
четвртак, 27. новембар 2014.



1. a) On weekdays I spend my evenings  at home 
 -watching TV             - playing computer games      -chatting with my  friends

(Izaberes jednu ili vise  varijanti ne moraju biti ove...)

b) On Saturday and Sunday I usually go out with my friends but we don't stay long.

Ne mora biti ovo,  ideje imate u 1. lekciji - Michael's profile

U oba slucaju u pitanju je Present simple, vreme koje koristimo za izrazavanje u ovom slucaju nekih uobicajenih radnji ili navika 

2,  A drive -in cinema has a huge screen, it is out in  the open so you can sit in your car and  watch the movie.

3. I like playing football, table tennis, basketball . ( posle like - verb + ing)
    I like watching tennis, volleyball, water polo 

4. No , I am not , because I am writing my First English written task  right now. 
(Present continuous)

5. Football, volleyball, handball, basketball, water polo,   rugby use a ball

6. The most popular team sports are football, volleyball and basketball.

7. There are no sports clubs in our village.

8. Yes, it is very important, because it keeps me fit.

9. She tells me to be careful. ( Present simple) and reported speech

10. I was watching TV , talking to my parents,friends, playing computer games.doing my homework,  READING A BOOK ...... (Past continuous  )

11. While I was having lunch , the phone rang/ my friend came/ my father called me.....
                                                     /                               /                           /                         
                                                   ne mora sve vec samo jedno od ovih gore

(Past continuous and  Past  simple )

12. Yes I have. (done my homework) (Present perfect)           
       I did it yesterday.     (Past simple ) 

13. Yes, I have.    (Present perfect)                                     
      I ate a hamburger/ cheeseburger ......... (Past simple ) 

14. I used to play with my toys, friends and my  brother/sister. 

Ne mora ovo sve,  izaberi sta tebi odgovara a mene najvise zanima ono podvuceno crvenim,

15. I have lived here for 13 yearsall my life/ since 2009           (Present perfect)

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