
среда, 10. децембар 2014.

This month I have taken part in a competition on some blog. It was competition about learning chinese words.
So I have studied hard, and I am still studying .  
When I took a part in that competition I had a headache.  because of learning so many words
Learning so many Chinese words for that competition, caused me a headache.

Five days after (taking part in) that competition I tried to speak in chinese (language).
 It was so funny and interesting but it was hard too.
I have joined (the ) group of folks who have (has) already started to learn chinese.
Singular or plural for groups of people
Which phrase is correct - the class was or the class were? Is the word class a singular noun or a plural noun? This question cannot be answered with Yes or No. Use the singular if you see the class as a group of students. Use the plural if you see the class as single students.
In British English the plural is used more often than in American English.
The family is on holiday.
I see the family as a group.
The family are packing their suitcases.
I see the single members of the family packing their suitcases.

Team B was very successful today.
I see Team B as a group.
Team B were very successful today.
I see the single members of Team B. Each member of the team was successful. I could also say: All members of Team B were very successful.
There are more words which can be singular or plural nouns:
army, band, choir, class, club, crew, company, firm, gang, government, orchestra, party, staff
Ja mislim da si ti mislio na grupu kao celinu ali ako si mislio na to da si komunicirao sa pojedinacnim clanovima onda treba has

 After that I sent an e mail to my relative.
I hope this is  correct.

I hope so. – nadam se , upotrebljavas kada ne zelis da ponavljas neku konstataciju.
·         Person A: Are those people English? Person B: I think so. (Meaning: "I think they are English")
·         Person A: Will you be at home tomorrow morning?Person B: I expect so. (Meaning: "I expect I'll be at home.")
·         Person A: Do you think Kate has been invited to the party? Person B: I suppose so. You can also say: "I hope so ", "I guess so" and "I'm afraid so" .

Chinese –Važno je obratiti pažnju, da naše pravilo da se jezici pišu malim slovima (-ski, -čki, ) ne važi naravno u engleskom, tako da se jezici pišu velikim slovima.

Obavezno pratite link i naći ćete iznad spiska Pronunciation Files, izgovor svih navedenih stavki.
- See more at: http://abc.amarilisonline.com/drzave-narodi-jezici-na-engleskom-sa-izgovorm-naravno/#sthash.bBr6RbxS.dpuf

Country Language Nationality

France French French
Greece Greek Greek
Britain English British
Denmark Danish Danish
Finland Finnish Finnish
Poland Polish Polish
Spain Spanish Spanish
Sweden Swedish Swedish
Turkey Turkish Turkish
Germany German German
Mexico Spanish Mexican
The United States English American
Australia English Australian
Brazil Portuguese Brazilian
Egypt Arabic Egyptian
Italy Italian Italian
Hungary Hungarian Hungarian
Korea Korean Korean
Russia Russian Russian
China Chinese Chinese
Japan Japanese Japanese
Portugal Portuguese Portuguese

Usput nadjoh kinesko-engleski za pocetnike pa mozda tio nesto bude znacilo

Eto malo sam ti nesto dodala nadam se da se ne ljutis , odlicno si napisao ali bi ja da budes perfektan…..Sve su to sitne greske ali sam ti ja poslala objasnjenja malo duza pa izgleda kao da sam puno ispravljala a nisam.


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