
понедељак, 14. септембар 2020.


Rezultat slika za describing people funny

Rezultat slika za physical appearance

Describing People - OPISIVANJE  LJUDI - fizički izgled

Height - Visina
Build - Gradja

Age - Starost

tall - visok 
short - nizak 
medium height- srednje visine
well-built-dobro gradjen
slim- vitak
thin- mršav
fat- debeo
plump(overweight), bucmast, punačak 
skinny- mrsav
young- mlad
old - star
middle-aged- srednjih godina
 teenager - tinejdžer
 in 20s, 30s, 40s 
- u 2o tim, 30 tim 40tim godinama

Face - Lice 
Eyes- Oči 
Hair- Kosa
Clothes- Odeća
round, oval, square, 
with scars (ožiljci), wrinkles (bore), freckles (pege), sun-tanned, pale
big round blue eyes, large, small, bright, narrow
 straight hair- ravna kosa, curly- kovrdžava, , wavy- talasasta, bald (celav)

  • black, 
  • brown /dark /light brown
  • fair hair / blonde- plava kosa 
casual- neobavezna  messy, 
tidy - vodi racuna o odeci)
scruffy, shabby,

100+ Personality Adjectives | Character Traits & Personality Traits

Describing Character - What's he like? Is she nice?

  • Nice - lep, drag
  • Intelligent, clever - inteligentan, pametan
  • Funny - zabavan
  • Helpful - koji pomaže 
  • Kind - ljubazan 
  • Sensible - osećajan
  • Sensitive - osetljiv
  • Stubborn - tvrdoglav
  • Popular - popularan
  • Hard-working - vredan
  • Lazy - lenj
  • Reliable - pouzdan
  • Shy - stidljiv
  • Cheerful - veseo
  • Friendly - prijateljski nastrojen
  • Honest - iskren
  • Naughty -bezobrazan
  • Talkative - pričljiv
  • Generous - velikodušan
  • Serious - ozbiljan
  • Energetic - energičan
  • Tidy - uredan
  • Untidy - neuredan
  • Calm - miran
  • Careful - pažljiv
  • Silly -luckast
  • Crazy - lud
  • Sociable - društven 
  • Thoughtful -obazriv zamišljen
  • Fearless - neustrašiv
  • Compassionate - saosećajan
  • Faithful - odan
  • Jealous - ljubomoran
  • Patient - strpljiv
  • Impatient - nestrpljiv
  • Easygoing - opusten , ležeran
  • Creative - kreativan
  • Broad-minded -
  • Modest - skroman
  • Bad-tempered - razdražljiv, koji je loše volje
  • Good-tempered -blage naravi
  • Gentle -nežan
  • Confident - samouveren
  • Polite-  ljubazan
  • Impolite - neljubazan
  • Smart - pametan
  • Rude - nepristojan
When we describe people we use some expressions with the verb "to be" and others with the verb "to have."
Kada opisujemo ljude nekad upotrebljavamo glagol - "to be
 ( am , is , are)
a nekada     "to have." (  have, has)

Glagol to be koristimo za :

I am, He (She) is . . .I am, He (She) is . . .I am,He (She) is . . .
youngtallintelligent (smart)
a teenagershortdumb
middle agedfatfunny
20 years oldstronglazy
in his thirtiesweakhard-working

to have ( imati )
I have /  He (She) has . . .I have / He  has . . .
black haira beard
brown hairmustache 
red hairHe (She) wears glasses.
blonde hair
gray hair
long hair
short hair
straight hair
wavy hair
curly hair
*He is bald.
*With "bald" we use the verb "to be."

Adjectives Used to Describe Character/ 
Pridevi koji opisuju karakter 

Rezultat slika za describing people funny picture
The words on this page are used to talk about a person's character.
Use these words when saying something good about a person.

1) ambitiousPossessing a desire to be successful.

2) cooperativeAble to work well with others together for a common purpose.

3) cheerfulGood humored, bright and pleasant.

4) respectfulFeeling or showing honor for the feelings and rights of others.

5) self-respectTo demonstrate a positive opinion of oneself.

6) couragouswithout fear

7) committedBound to a course of action.

8) loyalFaithful to a person, team, or country.

9) determinedStaying firm, steadfastness.

10) trustworthyResponsible, dependable, reliable, faithful, and loyal.

11) tolerantRespecting the individual differences, beliefs, and views of others.

12) empathicThe ability to sense and understand what another person is feeling.

13) kindFriendly, considerate, and willing to help others.

14) thankfulA feeling of appreciation for something given or done.

15) generousWilling to give and share, unselfish.

16) diligentHard working in a careful, steady manner.

17) creativeNot bound by the norm.

18) self-motivatedThe ability to begin tasks and to finish tasks without someone asking you to.

19) patrioticRespectful and devoted to one's country.

20) punctualOn time, prompt

21) perseveranceTo continue working in spite of difficulties and obstacles

22) reliableHonoring commitments - 
23) courteousWell-mannered and polite towards others.

24) honesttruthful and fair - iskren 

25) fairTo be honest and just.

26) patientABle to wait calmly without complaining. - strpljiv

27) cleanFree from dirt, neat and tidy. 

28) self-controledHaving control over one's actions and feelings.

29) compassionateShowing sympathetic feelings, showing pity or mercy.

30) independentBeing self-reliant, not dependent on others.

31) wiseHaving accumulated learning, good sense and judgement.

32) lifelong learnerOne who keeps an open mind to new information.

33) virtuousHaving moral excellence, conforming to a standard of right.

34) dependableWorthy of trust.

35) flexibleAble to change.


1. https://www.passporttoenglish.com/Beginning-English/Lesson3/Grammar.html

2. https://agendaweb.org/vocabulary/describing-people-personality.html

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