
среда, 5. децембар 2018.

Time Prepositions In – On – At

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Time Prepositions In – On – At su osnovni

1. in + doba dana, part of day , ujutru, uveče,….

– in the morning
– in the afternoon
– in the evening
OBRATITI PAZNJU -  noću se kaže – at night !!
2. in + mesec – month: January, February, March, April, May etc..
– in August

3. in + godišnja doba (seasons) – spring, summer, autumn. tj. zimi – in winter.

4. in + godina (year), vek, istorijski period, srednji vek – in 2009, in the twentieth century.


1. on + dani u nedelji (days of the week) – on Monday

2. on + određeni datum (on + particular date) – on 25 July 2009, on 15th March.

1. at + noć –  at night
2. at + određeni deo dana – particular time: at dawn – u zoru, at noon –u podne, 
3. at + tačno određen sat, a certain point of time (when?) – at nine o’clock,  at half past nine
4. at + vikend,  – at the weekend
To  sada mozete provezbati


2. https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/time-prepositions-exercise-


4. https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-10086.php

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